Saturday, August 31, 2019

Great response from Arthur Miller Essay

The Crucible was written in 1953, by Arthur Miller. Miller has said that the purpose of the play is to comment on the parallels between the unfair Salem Witch trials and the ‘Red Scare’ that lasted eight years 1948-1956. A Crucible is a large container that is used in the production of steel, where they are heated until they melt. A Crucible can stand extremely high temperatures. This is a direct comment on what the play is about. Arthur Miller provided an artistic response to the political climate and he wrote to tackle certain issues such as intimidation. Under McCarthyism, the United States was afraid of communisms influence. McCarthyism came from Senator John McCarthy, who set out to find any threats to the American life and their security. Anybody suspected of communism, mainly those in the entertainment industry, either confessed and gave names of other people or the American Government blacklisted them. Miller, in the entertainment industry, who was protecting his business and friends from any negative outlook it gave, refused to testify to the Committee and was blacklisted. McCarthyism has a great likeness to the play ‘The Crucible’. In both situations people only wishing to save themselves falsely accuse many people who suffer. John and Elizabeth Proctor don’t have a normal husband and wife relationship, although they are married. They are distant with one another. Their relationship is full of suspicions and clearly has a lack of trust: â€Å"What keeps you so late?† is an accusation. Elizabeth really means what have you been doing or where have you been to keep you so late. The strength of their relationship is tested. John tries to please Elizabeth but she cannot forget her suspicions. John explains to her: † I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches around you heart.† This shows that John feels guilt. John Proctor is an honest man. We see this through the way he acts and what he says. John works hard to provide for his family. He has a good clean name in the village and is well respected. However, when the hysteria begins, he wonders whether to expose Abigail for what she really is, even though his name will be ruined. We see that he truly loves Elizabeth when he confesses lechery in order to protect his wife. The audience are drawn to John Proctor. He is one of few people in the play to be truthful throughout, along with Reverend John Hale. Elizabeth is also an honest person. She is a good Christian woman and acts the way she’s supposed to as a wife and mother. However, sometimes she can be very cold. She, along with many others, is accused of witchcraft simply because she fired Abigail when she suspected that her and John were attracted to one another and didn’t want it to go any further. Even though she has suspected John of lechery and is distant towards him, we know that she deeply loves him. Hale is called into Salem to find out what is going on. He seems a respectful man and gives everyone a chance to prove his or her innocence. He is sort of the plays saviour or hero.  We get to know Abigail Williams through her language and what other characters say. We see that she has power over the other girls and just how far she will go to protect herself, especially in Act 1: â€Å"†¦ I have seen some reddish work done at night and I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!† Abigail leads the girls in accusing innocent people of witchcraft. Abigail saw the Indians murder her parents. This could have had an affect on the way Abigail is and how she acts. I think that she is able to threaten danger to the girls partly because of her childhood and what she has seen. In Act 3, Abigail shows her power by the way she speaks to Danforth in the courtroom. She even threatens him, saying that the Hell can take him: â€Å"Let you beware, Mr. Danforth †¦ Beware of it!† After realising what she has said, she immediately pretends she is in another trance and can see things. This is to allow her to get away with what she has said and so Danforth can’t reply to her. There is a great change from Act 1 to Act 3 with regards to hysteria. In Act 1, the girls accuse a few names and they tell just enough lies to protect themselves. Abigail and John Proctor take a gentle lighthearted approach to it in Act 1 and they laugh and joke about it. However, in Act 3 it becomes much more serious. They tell a massive amount of lies and act to make their story believable. Act 3 starts straight away with hysteria. The audience are aware of the gradual build-up because of the characters’ dialogue. As the play moves further along, the plot thickens as more names are thrown into it and even more unbelievable acting takes place with more and more lies being told. In Act 3, Mary Warren tries to go against the girls with the help of John Proctor in order to save Elizabeth and the other innocents. Mary Warren is already a weak and feeble character and when Danforth questions and speaks to her, he uses cruel vocabulary to fade her. It is obvious that he is on the girls’ side and doesn’t believe a word of what Mary Warren is saying. The girls then accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft. Then she sees that she cannot tell the real truth and overcome the girls’ lies so she decides to rejoin the girls. To protect herself she accuses John of making her go against the girls and tell ‘lies’ to them by threatening her. The stage directions in this act build up tension. They add to the drama and the way the girls convincingly act. The stage directions are just as important as the speech. They let us know what is going on and help us understand the characters more. The language also builds up tension. There is a lot of talk about God in the courtroom. Also, there is a lot of cutting each other off. Abigail always tends to cut off Danforth from speaking, so he can’t respond to her, this also shows her power. It is almost like Abigail is speaking and saying things just to stop anyone else from doing so.  Personally, I really like the play. I think it’s a great response from Arthur Miller. There is a mixture of characters and it’s interesting to see how they interact with one another. I like the play partly because it’s a true story and I was interested in finding out what happened.

Friday, August 30, 2019

International Trade & Finance Speech Essay

International trade is essentially when two or more countries exchange goods and services. Many countries export their goods and services to other countries and in turn, they can also import goods and services from other countries to into their own. Advancements with technology have made it a lot easier for international trade to take place. Communication between countries is a good example. Communicating has vastly improved and helped to simplify the trading process. Some technologically advanced countries, like Japan and China have bountiful natural resources and that has a heavy impact on us. The United States is one of the largest contributors to international trade. Our GDP (Gross Domestic Product), is greatly impacted due to being huge import consumers. The United States relies heavily on products from other countries and we import much more than we export. Not only does this impact our GDP by lowering it as we import more than export, is also has an impact on our domestic markets because we are buying more from other countries. In regard to Foreign Exchange Rates, it is very important to know how they are determined. Considering economic growth within a country is important, governments can make certain that fiscal and monetary policies are in place to ensure that growth continues. Due to the goods and services that are traded between different countries around the world, there are foreign exchange rate payments that are required to be paid. You will see the foreign exchange rate differ from country to country. What happens when there is a surplus of imports brought into the U.S.? Cite a specific example of a product with an import surplus and the impact that it has on the U.S. Businesses and Consumers involved. First, it is important to try and keep imports and exports balanced. However, when one exceeds the other, it is called a surplus. Having a surplus of imports can create a lower price for the consumer, and have a positive effect on the employment rate of the country where the product was obtained. Seafood is a good example of a product with surplus. There are several states, mainly coastal states that have fishing boats out at sea for many months catching lobster, fish, crabs, etc. The seafood that is collected is used for both domestic sales and international export. This allows for several options when selecting fish, etc at the grocery store. It also increases your selection when out dining at a restaurant. A downfall could be that a surplus of seafood, fish, etc could result in a declining need for domestic fisherman to work and this could cause layoffs and cutbacks. What are the effects of International Trade to GDP, Domestic markets and University Students? GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product and international trade. GDP is the market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a one year period. (Colander, 2010) International trade is the exchange of goods and services between two or more countries. International trade greatly affects the GDP due to the fact that is we are able to have goods produced outside of the United States and the imported for sale at a cheaper cost than if we were to produce here, the consumer demands will increase and therefore help the GDP. Domestic markets are also affected by international trade as they have the ability to have products manufactured outside the United States at cheaper rates. This takes away from domestic manufactured product sales and could increase unemployment. On the reverse, it could affect domestic markets positively, as domestic retailers could mark up the products to consumers and keep the additional profit. International trade affects University students in a much different way. Suppose there was an increased demand for innovative ideas and qualified individuals to help keep our domestic markets alive? A University student could be a huge asset there. Also, the higher the GDP, more jobs will be available. If the GDP crashes, graduates should probably look for a job in another country. How do Government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and trade? Both International relations and trade are greatly affected by government decisions that are made about tariffs and quotas. Tariffs are the most familiar and most commonly used type of trade restriction. Tariffs are most often recognized as taxes here in the United States. Quotas are quantity limits that are placed on imports. These limits are decided by the government. The choices made by the government as it relates to additional fees for imports and limitations placed on the amount of imports directly affects international relations and trade. The positive side to this is that the government has the ability to control trade between themselves and other countries. This allows the United States to be picky. The ability to raise or lower tariff amounts gives us the power to possibly do business with underprivileged countries simply by lowering the tariffs as an incentive. They can also raise the tariff as a means to end relations with a country. What are foreign exchange rates? How are they determined? In regard to Foreign Exchange Rates, it is very important to know how they are determined. Considering economic growth within a country is important, governments can make certain that fiscal and monetary policies are in place to ensure that growth continues. Due to the goods and services that are traded between different countries around the world, there are foreign exchange rate payments that are required to be paid. You will see the foreign exchange rate differ from country to country. Why doesn’t the U.S. simply restrict all goods coming in from China? Why can’t the U.S. just minimize the amounts of imports coming in from all other countries? To put it simply, it is not possible for the U.S. to restrict all goods from China. This is mainly because there is an enormous trade deficit between us and China. China currently holds a very large portion of our nation’s debt and it would be a bad business decision to try and end relations when we still have a large debt owed to them. Not only do we have a large debt owed to China, the U.S. consumer has a very large demand for products that are made in China. China is one of the largest manufacturers of electronics and other luxury items, like the Iphone, Ipad, Ipod that we have come to rely upon. If we were to restrict all goods, we would not only destroy our economy, but also China’s economy. References: Colander, D.C. (2010). Macroeconomics. (8th ed). Boston, MA: Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Trading Economics. (2012) United States Consumer Confidence. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Greek Independence

For centuries the Greek population was completely under the Ottoman rule. The Greeks’ independence from the Ottoman Turks in 1830 did not come without hardship and suffering. Several other countries including Russia and France took sides with Greece during this fight as they felt close and connected with their culture. A nine year war was fought which eventually resulted in the Greeks gaining independence from the Turks. During this time, the Greeks had to maintain high morale and a strong disposition to be as successful as they were in the end. The circumstances they were under were difficult and harsh. Many people felt as though Greece deserved to break away from the Ottoman Empire, but some believed that the Turkish rule was not too oppressing. Most people believed that the people of Greece had great character and deserved to be free from the brutality of the Ottoman Turks. They were seen as having strong will to be independent and worked together as a country to achieve that goal. Their culture still to this day is being represented in different forms of art, for example architecture. It’s been studied for years because it served as a foundation for several other countries and is being kept alive, as opposed to forgotten. One poet, Alexandros Kalphoglou, described the Greeks as being enlightened, educated, well-rounded people. He went on to say that they were very open to and accepting of other cultures. It’s not surprising that Kalphoglou would’ve felt this way because he was a Greek Christian and most likely would be proud of his own history (Doc 4). Similarly, Percy Shelley was also a poet who believed Greek culture was essential for all other cultures to grow. She, however, was an English romantic poet. It’d be expected for her to praise Greece because romantic poets were all for the Greek revolution and independence (Doc 7). These two weren’t the only people who shared the same point of view on the Greek Revolt. While still under the Ottoman rule, Greek citizens were treated unfairly and poorly. Their living conditions were unstable and were constantly in upheaval due to the massive rebellion. The entire revolution was sparked by the lack of support shown by the Turkish rulers toward the Greeks. The bright, upbeat, and beautiful presence of the Greek culture was robbed by the Turks according to Savary, a French scholar of Greek. As a person who most likely spent a majority of the time studying Greek history, he would be inclined to respect their culture (Doc 3). Sneyd Davis, an English writer, spoke of Athens being deteriorated and everything beautiful that once existed there, vanishing. The events of what happened to the Greeks under the Ottomans can be easily related to this poem because their pride in their past was diminished. Davis is another romantic poet so I would expect to see him pro-Greek revolution (Doc 1). A majority of people were pleased with the fact that Greece did gain its independence from the Ottoman Turkish Empire. They believed that Greeks should have their arts, language, and other forms of culture restored fully so that they could regain pride in themselves. People also thought that Greek revolution would result in more successful nations in the future, which would be based on Greek tradition. A pamphlet called Greek exiles described the rise of Greek ancestors as heroes in history. It talks about how the Ottomans may have once been at power, but years later they didn’t stand a chance against the Greeks (Doc 6). In regards to Mavrocordato, it was a strong act of courage for the Greeks to take their independence and basically create their own government starting with nothing. Basically, he says that they wanted and made peace for themselves, but worked hard to get to that point (Doc 10). In an engraving created in 1828, called Greece Sacrificed, Regnier has depicted a scene where the Turks are attacking the Greeks, but not very successfully due to the fact that the Greeks are holding their ground. They’re standing for what they believe in as strong-minded individuals with a common goal in mind (Doc 11). Although most would agree that the Greek revolution was a positive thing, there are some people that are on the complete opposite side of things. These people think that the Turkish reign was not too overbearing, and that the Greeks could’ve easily stayed under their control. A Turkish sultan named Mustapha III, in 1765 made orders very clear to the governor of northern Greece to try and stop the revolts being made by the Greeks. He went on to describe the problems that the Greek population had been causing such as robberies. He thought that the Greek revolution had caused more problems than it solved, and that it should’ve been stopped early. Because of the fact that he was a sultan of the Ottoman Empire I find it almost obvious that he was against the Greeks in their revolts. Mustapha wanted what was best for his nation and people (Doc 2). In Vahid’s opinion, a Turkish governor, the revolution of the Greeks was driven by what he calls ‘drunkards,’ meaning that he didn’t take the rebellions seriously. Again, being of Turkish government, he would favor the Ottoman side of things (Doc 9). During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Greece was driven to rebel against their previous rulers the Ottoman Turks. Their culture and everything they took pride in was meaningless in the Turks’ eyes. They felt they had to start a revolution to gain back the rights they deserved. During this revolt, they living conditions were not as good as they could’ve been. In fact they were difficult to deal with, but this had only been a small hurdle for the Greek population who was determined to gain independence. Nothing could stand in their way, as they were a fearless, courageous nation. Finally, after suffering through nine years of antagonizing war and treachery, the Greeks gained their independence from the Ottoman Turks and started to create a government as a unified country.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analysis of Law of Desire Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Law of Desire Film - Essay Example The film has a central axis the character of manipulative gay director Pablo, unconventional Pablo’s transsexual sister life, Tina, and the fiery, disparaging passion of Antonio, Pablo’s lover. Created only twelve years after the death of Franco, it may be considered as a conscious work to undermine the traditional cultural policy of this regime, by focusing on the homosexual sexuality and emphasizing the fluidity of gender, particularly the male gender. The film begins with a provoking soft-porn sequence, displaying a young athletic man in a roomy interior with a mirror and a bed. A voice outside the frame instructs him to undress and touch himself. Afterward, the camera centers on two elderly men reading these instructions from a script to the young model. This scene is revealed to be a film-within-a-film, directed by Pablo Quintero, the main character of Law of Desire. In this specific scene, the young man’s body is deliberately viewed through the gay male viewer’s eyes, as the unseen Voices direct him, aiming at the prurient pleasure of the viewer. Here the male body (masculinity) is multiply objectified’ as its vulnerability is emphasized by the ‘kind of words he is instructed to declaim.’ The Voices - having their sensuality increased due to the fact that they originate from unseen and unidentified speakers - manipulate the young male model, which seems to lack the ability to resist or personal will. The opening scene is ‘simply not a scandalous provocation’ but includes also many references to the central themes of the movie, such as the power shift in sexual relationships and issue of narcissism that is more portrayed in male gender (Mask 67). Indeed the dominance change between model and dubbers demonstrates the sovereignty changes in Pablo and Antonio’s sexual relationship; the narcissistic approach of the male body is equal to the narcissistic and the manipulative attitude of Pablo.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

LAW OF EUROPEAN UNION. Discuss, with references to relevant EC Treaty Essay

LAW OF EUROPEAN UNION. Discuss, with references to relevant EC Treaty provisions and decided cases, whether or not a reference should be made in this case, and - Essay Example Article 234 of the EC Treaty provides a mechanism by which citiziens and bodies within the European Community may obtain clarification of Community law. In a typical case a question is referred to the European Court of Justice and the general puropose of Article 234 is to ensure that all laws within the European Community equally reflect Community law. In general Article 234 provides that the European Court of Justice will have the authority to â€Å"give preliminary rulings†1 with respect to: Article 234 goes on to provide that when â€Å"such a question is raised before any court of tribunal of a Member State,†3that court or tribunal may if it deems it necessary for the purpose of ruling in the matter before it, â€Å"request† a ruling from the ECJ.4 Moreover: â€Å"Where any such question is raised in a case pending before a court or tribunal of a Member State against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy under national law, that court or tribunal shall bring the matter before the Court of Justice.5 The result of Article 234 is the development and application of Community law. Principlay Article 234, the ECJ by deciding cases by way of references it rules on points of law and does not sit as an appellate court. In Foglia v Novella [1980) ECR 745 the ECJ ruled that it would only determine references arising out of genuine disputes and refused to accept a reference where a clause was inserted into a contract solely for the purpose of creating a legal challenge.6 In the case of Melicke v ADV/ORGA AG [1992] ECR I-4871 the ECJ refused a refence because it lacked specificity in the sense that the court was required to rule on a hypotheical bases. The ECJ ruled that it could not decide on the disputer because it did not have: The first issue for Jane is whether or not the Social Service Adjudicator presiding over Jane’s complaint is a proper body under

Introduction to Human Resource Management Essay - 1

Introduction to Human Resource Management - Essay Example that employee-related laws were followed, and that all staff members were following the company’s policies and procedures (Cafà © Co Case Study, 2009). Also, the company’s hard HRM approach made the HR manager less of a director of HR but more of a policy-maker to make sure employees followed the company rules and regulations. Allen (2007) also describes the soft HRM approach which deals with issues of human behaviour, making sure that people are led rather than managed, are communicated with effectively and are motivated by leadership. The soft HRM approach views staff members are being important to meeting strategic goals and should be treated as valuable assets to achieving what the company wants to accomplish. One aspect of the Harvard model of HR outlines that people should be given rewards for their support to meeting goals (HRM Guide, 2007). After the review of Cafà © Co HR policies, this approach was undertaken with performance management systems and attempts to increase pay. The HR manager role, now as a member of the Board, already has a difficult time trying to improve existing HR policy at the company. Being in such a high position does not give Kim first-hand access to in-store employee behaviours, skills and abilities, therefore the line manager must take on this role in order to provide fair and accurate employee assessments. One HR expert offers that in order to have a good HR policy, line managers should â€Å"interview job applicants, provide training, carry out disciplinary procedures, and provide performance ratings† (Kleiman, 2007). Because there is already such a high turnover rate at Cafà © Co due to HR being unable to perform these tasks, it is both logical and benefitting to the business to have line managers take on these responsibilities since they are the regular point of contact for in-store staff activities, skills and behaviours. Kim simply cannot do this with her busy job role. Ulrich’s first role is being a strategic partner,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Materials Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Materials Development - Essay Example the gadget was made from low-cost materials it will keep on spoiling as it is not strong enough to withhold the magnitude of activities that are being performed on it. Therefore, it is important to produce high-cost gadget rather than low-cost as they will have more features; hence, creating a competitive market base. Producing low-cost materials is wasteful as most of the funds will be used in the marketing strategy, which may fail as the product is not eye-catching. I did not buy my argument because it is not practical to make low-cost gadget that keep customers complaining and replacing. It is vital for an organization to make products that are competitive and that fulfil the customer’s needs (Yaeger, Thomas & Peter 118). I was swayed by the other team’s argument because when a gadget is produced with high-cost materials, it maintains customers as they are satisfied with the products as they have the necessary gadgets to use in the daily lives. Additionally, high-cost products mean that the organization will patent their technology, thus, ensuring that no other products are made with the same features; hence, lowering the value of low-cost materials. Moreover, making low-cost products will mean more clean-up, replacement, which decreases customer loyalty towards the products making the low-cost products

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Islam - Essay Example From the reading on The World Religions, one is educated and better informed as a person becomes better informed about the doctrines in Islam. In fact, one can see a lot of logical and realistic beliefs that are applicable in life as opposed to some teachings of other religions. Take the issue on divorce for example, Christianity or at least people who call themselves Christians, are against divorce regardless of a couple’s situation. On the contrary, Islam tolerates divorce although it does not advocate but suggests it to be the last resort for couples. Other religions will also frown on polygamy which is observed among Muslims but understanding the reason behind such tolerance makes a lot of sense. From my point of view, I think it would be better for a man to have two to four wives as long as the man is able to treat the women equally in all aspects of their relationship and is able to provide for all of them rather than have one wife and extra-marital affairs that makes th e relationship imbalanced. With the aforementioned citations, I say there are several doctrines of Islam that people can learn from as they learn from other religions as

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Preliminary Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Preliminary Analysis - Essay Example n which recorded sounds could be listened to by this time before the invention of other modern and finally digital technologies that are currently used. Even though this device was used in the late 1970s as well as in the early 1980s, it traces its invention to the early years. The idea of the phonograph was first seen in the year 1857 when the scholar (Noll, 12). Edouard-Leon Scott who invented the phonoautographs. However, it is important to note that this technology was very limited during this time and hence was not exploited appropriately. It is important to note that this product could only create the visual images of sound (Noll, 12). It is therefore important to note that the idea of phonographs originated as early as a century but was not exploited due to limitations in the technology until the year 1877. The principle of recording and reproducing sound using this technology was however first demonstrated in the year 1877 by Edison Thomas (Bellies). It is this time that the scholar demonstrated first phonograph in the world. The first invention that was developed by Edison was done while he was experimenting while working with a telegraph transmitter. During the time Edison was looking at the telegraphs with an intention of improving its efficiency, he realized that there was. He was interested in the noise that the tape produced since the tape produced some noise that resembles that of a spoken word. He therefore argued that in case he played it at a little bit high speed it may produce even higher and better sounds (Bellies). Through the several experiments that he conducted, he realized that it was possible to read as well as record sounds using the telephone diaphragm ad hence he unleashed what had been difficult for many scientist to understand for over very long time. Since this was the first instrument that could capture and record the sounds during this time, Edison actually became an international figure. Phonograph was identified s the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Reliance on EC Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reliance on EC Law - Essay Example The state will be held liable if it fails to implement the provisions of the EC Directives properly and within the date prescribed for such implementation. Individuals can seek the Court’s intervention, if their rights are breached, due to the non – implementation or improper implementation of Directives, on the basis of the doctrine of state liability. However, in such cases, the violation committed by the state should be of a serious nature2. For instance,the ECJ held in the Angonese case that Article 39 EC is directly effective. This Article deals with the free movement of workers3. The European Court of Justice, through its case law, had established that certain Treaty Articles would have direct effect. However, not all Treaty Articles have that characteristic, and some Articles do not provide rights to individuals. Such Articles, under no circumstances, can have direct effect. The prominent case in this regard was that of Van Duyn v. Home Office4. The principles relating to direct effect were discussed threadbare in this case. The Van Duyn case was chiefly based on Article 39 EC Treaty, which provides for the freedom of movement of workers throughout the community. This Article was designed to have direct effect. In order to have direct effect, a provision must be legally justifiable, or the provision should be deemed to be appropriate, for a court to enforce it. Such provisions should be free of ambiguity for the purpose of enforcement by a Member State5. In Defrenne v Sabena6, the ECJ held that Treaty Articles would have direct effect between individual and the state as well as between two private individuals7. Dev, a school teacher, applied for seven days paid leave in March 2008, which was refused on the grounds that he was eligible for only three days, in accordance with the Study and Training Act. Dev can take recourse to EU law for claiming seven days paid leave. He can file a case in the national courts against the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Psychological Survival - Cohen and Taylor Essay Example for Free

Psychological Survival Cohen and Taylor Essay 1) Aim of the study Obtain a phenomenological picture of long term imprisonment i.e. the analysis of the every day life of long term prisoners. The smooth patterning of every day life is the result of social interactions and learning about routines and the different domains of life. But some situations are outside the routines (death, sense of self or world view threatened). Disturbed orderliness brings meaning of life into question and often individuals rely on a different domain. Long term prisoners cannot do this. Theirs is a life in cold storage. Psychologically hard to deal with life outside. Some people go in when 20 and don’t leave before they’re 40, so a lot has gone on in everyday life and they’ve missed it. 2) Cohen and Taylor not really interested in the crime committed and the moral issues behind it. They are just interested in how prison affects this group of people. Society has been taken away from these people. Some of the people are well known, but they put aside what these people have been convicted on, they just want to know about their psychological survival. 3) Life inside Metaphor of a submarine: Impregnability, empty, claustrophobic, lifeless, bland no natural light, TV cameras. Things we take for granted in normal life, sociability and privacy, are not there. Not many friends you can have or choose to have. Relationships between guards and prisoners, maybe from a similar social backgrounds, have a lot to talk about. In the E-wing case there was a very pronounced geographical divide, north and south. Prisoners have a public profile outside, quite famous and it sets them aside from the guards. A sense of celebrity in some of the prisoners. This creates a division between guards and prisoners. New power dynamic. Not only hard to create and maintain relationships inside hard to do so with the external world. The prisoners were more worried about getting letters rather than receiving them. No physical contact, e.g. members of your family. Not allowed to talk about conditions in the prison maybe that is why they wanted to get their stories heard with Cohen and Taylor. Isolating experience. 5) different people fulfil different social roles. Obviously there was a small pool in prison. One friend had to fulfil many different roles, which made friendship very strong and intense. Some people were moved constantly and losing your one friend can be traumatic. Intensity of relationships and falling out, which will have an impact on the group and on you. No privacy no time. Can’t develop intimacy with other people. Constantly surrounded by others. Interactions regulated within the group to make sure nobody got harmed. 6) time means different things. For us it’s a resource. Living the present they don’t face or think of the 20 years ahead. Marking time in different ways: mood, seasons, unusual markers. Make time pass faster: body building, university courses, etc. promise of a visit. 8 weeks visit for e.g. 7) deterioration obsessive concern about their physical and psychological condition. 8) history of riots, rebellions and security. Cohen and Taylor interested in solidarity. The resentment towards guards held the group together, helped with bonding. Fight back together. 9) authority and unity different situations lead to different types of solidarity 10) fighting back 11) different criminal careers lead to different ways of psychological survival. Notes from a lecture and seminar on Psychological Survival.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Shackled Women - Short Essay Essay Example for Free

Shackled Women Short Essay Essay In western cultures, women consider themselves equal to men while in some other parts of the world such as Africa and Asia, women are subjected to violence, sexual abuses, and exploitation by men that considered them as their legal or sexual property. Because tradition and religion play a crucial role in the life of the people of these regions, women are forced to live according to their culture in order for them to fit in the society. From murdered husbands in India, inhuman Islamic laws in Pakistan, to genital mutilation practice in Africa, these unjustifiable acts are virtually impossible to explain because they all go against the moral principles and values of a civilized society. When a parent deliberately killed his daughter without having remorse because of financial reasons, the first thing that comes into ordinary people’s mind is sorrow and grief. Because dowry is paid by the bride’s family in India, cruel and selfish husbands killed their second daughter in order to avoid paying a second expensive dowry. Dowry in India can account for more than 50% of a household income. (Journeyman Pictures LTD, January 2001). For that reason, fathers murdered their female child. Even if a second female child makes it trough childhood, she may still have a marriage on the rocks if her dowry is not enough to satisfy her in-laws. It is very shocking and disturbing to know that these fathers are still doing it without impunity. The most outrageous of all is that the government of India is aware of these killings and does not take drastic measures to stop it. Because it is culturally right in India to do so, women can not oppose it to the risk of being physic ally abuse by their husbands.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Theories of Knowing

Theories of Knowing GEOG 701 Research in Practice, 2017 Ways of Knowing Comparison Name: Allan Rarai Which way of knowing from Week 2 do you select? Positivism Structuralism Which way of knowing from Week 3 do you select? Social constructionism Humanism What are the typical features of research that uses the ways of knowing that you have selected? Positivism It can be said that the philosophy of positivism dominates Science. Positivism believes in empiricism, where experiments such as observations and measurements are the core of scientific experiments, using theories to predict reality, which rely on quantitative data. Positivists believe that positive knowledge is based on natural phenomena and their properties and relations. For example, the properties of weather (humidity, air temperature and pressure, wind speed and direction) and how these properties are related (seasonal rainfall amount). Furthermore, there is a belief in the philosophy of positivism that the incorporation of new ideas may contradict old ideas, thus ideas tend to accumulate, allowing for knowledge to expand. Also, outcomes are separate or dissociated from personal and social status, and personal emotion is ignored. Social Constructionism The typical features of research that use these ways of knowing in Social Constructionism include the following: this way of knowing focuses more on social collectives or groups rather than on individualism, that is, the groups or communities are constructed based on their norms; what they are built on such as rules and ways of living, which pinpoint them within society thus making them what they are. For example, how responsibilities are distributed and channels of communication are constructed, where power or authority is organised; how traditions and cultures are constructed. This researched philosophy also reveals what has been constructed such as meanings being institutionalized and followed. Moreover, once knowledge has been constructed and used, it may be become resistant to change. What do you see as being the benefits associated with each of the ways of knowing that you have selected? Positivism The benefits of positivism include knowledge building, that is, new ideas are built or continue to emerge from past knowledge errors or gaps. Also, results or outcomes are easily understood, visualised and compared to others. It does not involve perceptions, because it uses quantitative data to provide information that researchers use to make scientific assumptions. That is why it follows a well-defined structure during study and discussion. Social Constructionism The benefits associated with Social Constructionism are as follows: they reveal assumptions behind common sense, explain prevailing attitudes, and there is an understanding of key institutions and social transformation over time. For example, norms, values and rules constructed within different tiers of a society are transformed over a period of time and this way of knowing is well vested accordingly. Furthermore, it allows people to challenge assumptions and norms, and promotes knowledge sharing. What do you see as being the limitations associated with each of the ways of knowing that you have selected? Positivism There are many limitations to this way of knowing. It focuses on the How rather than the Why questions. It does not investigate further as to why things are happening because it relies more on data, thus, is inflexible. It does not measures things that are not visible. Moreover, it assumes that scientific results are correct and emotions and perceptions are disregarded from interferences and conclusions. Social Constructionism Limitation of social constructionism is that, constructs change over time and can be misunderstood. This depends entirely on how society is constructed within its settings. Also, it ignores individual contexts and it can be difficult to apply this kind of knowledge in a new environment. Moreover, it does not need to be true, it invites relativism. This type of knowing requires more time (time consuming) and is expensive (requires funding). In a hypothetical scenario, you are asked to conduct research in/on a forest (the research can be on anything, but must involve data collection related to a forest location). Propose two separate research questions-one for each of the ways of knowing you have selected-that incorporate data gathering opportunities in a hypothetical forest location, and provide a justification about why the research questions reflect your chosen ways of knowing. Positivism What is the Relationship between Forest Harvesting (Clearing of Forest) and sedimentation accumulation on Big Bay River on Santo Island in Vanuatu? This research question reflects this way of knowing because it requires observation and measurement of data to test the hypothesis that harvesting of a forest may have some impact on the sediment in the rivers. It will be easy to compare the results based on the analysed data (number of hectares (ha) of forest cleared amount of sediment accumulation) that has been collected. Social Constructionism Restoration of Native Ecosystem to preserve and increase number of native plants and animals. (Research question: Will restoring Native Forest (NF) helps to increase the number of native species within the forest ecosystem?) This research question reflects this particular way of knowing because it focuses on more collaborative ways of knowledge. It is common sense to assume that if a forests ecosystem is restored, native plants and animals may increase. It looks like it is interconnected with the Positivism way of knowing. This type of research requires a lot of funding and may involve different groups/ stakeholders within the context of a society.

Social Care in the UK Essay -- Government Politics Welfare

This essay attempts to; discuss the dominant social policy perspectives that have influenced social policy making in the United Kingdom since 1945. To explain how differing perspectives have responded to healthcare as a social problem. To describe two key policies that have been instigated since the start of New Labour in 1997, and to examine a contemporary social policy relating to health. In 1941 Sir William Beveridge was commissioned by the then Conservative prime minister, Winston Churchill to conduct a study of the welfare system of the time. The Beveridge report paved the way for the welfare state as we know it and was important in shaping the social democratic ideology that remained prevalent until the mid 1970’s. The key principals behind most social democratic ideology are that of equality and collectivism. In practice, the state manages the economy using Keynesian economic principals, manages the provision of welfare through the welfare state and takes a regulatory roll in peoples lives. This protects citizens from the extremes of poverty and prevents major economic inequality. The New Right ideology came to the fore in the mid 1970’s as a result of a major recession and the reality of an economic crisis. The 1979 general election was won by the Conservative party led by Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher was prime minister until 1990 in a period of politics that came to be known as Thatcherism. Two key thinkers of the time were Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek who saw ‘the free market’ as central to the success of Thatcherism and believed that government should concentrate on economic issues, thus allowing ‘market forces’ to shape society. From the early 1990’s a new, politically cen... ...el medical treatment, help and advice via centres that are easy to access. The NHS annual review 2009-2010 found that NHS direct recommended to 49% of callers to go to less urgent/lower cost points of care, saved 2.4 million GP appointments and 1.2 million ambulance journeys ( 2010). Disadvantages of these direct services are that they are extremely expensive and only offer a reactive form of health care, while not providing enough health education. Works Cited Pilkington A & Yeo A Sociology in focus Haddington, Scotprint. 2004. Pugh P & Garratt C, Keynes a graphic guide London, Icon books. 2009. Walsh M, Stephens P & Moore S Social policy and welfare, Stanley Thornes Ltd. 2000

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Field Of Innocence ? 27th September , 2013 Chennai : Little boys and girls , running around trees trying to catch up each other : this painting on the walls of the Juvenile Home in Kelly’s, Chennai holds no resemblance to the lives of the Juveniles In Conflict With Law ( JCL). A look at the boys here, uniformly dressed in blue, playing carrom would paint the picture of the government trying to provide a normal childhood to the juveniles. But, the cold stare the latter give visitors is proof of their innocence lost . â€Å" You better not cheat . I swear to God I will kill you â€Å",says one JCL to another . The fact that they’ve been â€Å"jailed† for crimes as severe as murder has not abated their aggression.To see 12 years olds talking about killing with so much conviction is disheartening. The procedure of charting out a JCL’s life in state run juvenile homes is on dazed grounds . â€Å"We’ve no control over the Juvenile Homes . We just catch the kids who’ve committed the crime and hand them over to the Social Welfare Department ( Defense) â€Å", says Shyamala Devi , Assistant Commisioner,Chennai...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Catcher in the Rye Essays: The Fake Holden :: Catcher Rye Essays

Fake Holden in The Catcher in the Rye  Ã‚   In The Catcher in the Rye, a boy named Holden Caulfield is faced with the obstacles of both society and life as he struggles to find direction as well as his relationship with the world. From page one, the reader can both understand and relate to what Holden has to say about the society in which we live and the way in which people in that society govern themselves. The more we read the more we identify with Holden Caulfield. It seems like the typical, adolescent dilemma: How do I find my place in this life? Well, in most respects, Holden is not unlike the typical teenager. He, too, is on his own quest in order to find himself. He needs to find acceptance. Going to school at Pency, Holden becomes the manager for the fencing team. In doing so, he tried to gain friends as well as social status within his peers. Even then the whole team ostracized" (pg. 3) him. Like most teens at that age, Holden was having trouble gaining acceptance and making friends. It seems like the typical, adolescent dilemma: How do I find my place in this life? Well, in most respects, Holden is not unlike the typical teenager. He, too, is on his own quest in order to find himself. He needs to find acceptance. Going to school at Pency, Holden becomes the manager for the fencing team. In doing so, he tried to gain friends as well as social status within his peers. Even then the whole team ostracized" (pg. 3) him. Like most teens at that age, Holden was having trouble gaining acceptance and making friends. I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible. (pg.16) Holden's ability to lie is one of the first traits that he reveals about himself. He takes pride in saying that he is a good liar. His inability to have normal conversations and relationships is possibly one of the factors that has him shunned by his peers. Holden's insecurity is one of the reasons for his compulsive lying. This, in turn, is why he can't find his place in the world.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reality in Jean Genet’s ‘the Balcony’ Essay

Jean Genet’s Le Balcon (or The Balcony) is an absurdist play in which the main structure is the â€Å"philosophical battle between illusion and reality† (Savona 1983: 76) and this essay will investigate some of the levels of reality within an absurdist and existentialist context in Genet’s play. The play itself â€Å"offers a spectacularly theatrical exploration of the relationship between fantasy and reality† (Patterson 2005: 32) whilst also seeking â€Å"to negate reality itself† (Innes 2001: 438). Whilst also attempting to transform reality into a fantasy world in which its characters can escape the dismay of daily life, it is â€Å"also designed to be a moving play which†¦ keeps the audience aware that it is a play† they are watching and not allowing them to get lost in the world of illusion, fantasy and desire that the characters are trapped in (Reck 1962: 23). This echoes a technique used as part of Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekt, and by keeping the spectator at a critical distance, they become observers and thus can learn something about their own lives and the world in which they live. The play is set in Madame Irma’s Maison d’illusions (or house of illusions) which to the spectator is clearly a brothel, but not a brothel in the conventional sense. In the brothel, men of everyday walks of life (for example a plumber) act out sexual fantasies with the women that work there. Their sexual fantasies are by no means conventional either, for example the ‘clients’ of the brothel take on the personas of powerful men, namely a bishop, an executioner, a judge and a general. From the exposition of the play, it is unclear that the bishop isn’t actually a bishop as the costume, dialogue and action of the bishop are completely authentic aside from the fact that the powerful characters â€Å"tower over all the other actors as well as the audience† (McMahon 1963: 110). This is visually unrealistic and takes the spectator away from realism right from the onset, yet somehow draws them into this world of illusion. The sexual acts were intended by Genet to contain meaning and not to be realistic. They are merely projections, a series of images of man trapped in a hall of mirrors, not attempting to convey naturalism in the slightest (McMahon 1963: 176) and the characters’ â€Å"performance becomes reflections of reflections† (Innes 2001: 438). As Esslin states in his The Theatre of the Absurd, â€Å"there are no characters in the conventional sense†¦merely the images of basic urges and impulses† (Esslin 2001: 22). Image is of key importance in the play; it is everything â€Å"for the deeper one moves into images the less danger there will be of reality’s coming back to question the veracity of the images† (McMahon 1963: 162). One of the key themes of the play is the escape from reality, and as T. S Eliot wrote â€Å"human kind cannot bear much reality† (1964: 69), one of the fundamental messages Genet is trying to portray in his play. There is a strong sense of the actor merging with the character in The Balcony (Savona 1983: 86), or the character merging with the fantasy characters they attempt to portray in the brothel, or characters they so long to be, even for just an hour or so. This inauthentic relationship between reality and fantasy reflects human nature and life itself – we have all at some point aspired, or even wished that we could be someone else, someone with power or respect. However as McMahon suggests â€Å"there is no aspiration within the motivation of these people to be bishop, judge or general; the limit of their ambitions knows its range, and the cutting off point†¦is the thin line between pretence and reality† (1963: 160). The play takes a turn when the clients of the brothel are forced to take on the characters they are pretending to be for real. It is at this point that the illusion is destroyed and the men of everyday life no longer want the roles they are playing. For them, the roles are now too realistic and there is no escape from them – the relationship between reality and fantasy has become authentic. When the characters are acting out their roles in the real world, they are no longer comforted by their imagination; they are faced with the harsh reality of life, the one thing that they have sought to escape in the first place. This is reinforced by the fact the characters are reluctant to assist the chief of police and be â€Å"dragged from their dream world into the harshness and dangers of reality† (Thody 1970: 186-187). The revolution outside can be seen as a symbol of real life. â€Å"Were it not for the revolution, the various characters could continue to play their games in the enclosed a-historical atmosphere provided for them†¦but the revolution is there, and threatens at any moment to destroy their world of illusion completely† (Thody 1970: 179). During the play, various sounds of gunfire can be heard in the background of the scenes – A threat from the real world outside reminding the characters they have tried to escape life and whilst this may be successful for the hour they are in the brothel, real life is still going out outside. â€Å"Machine gun fire attempts to undermine the magic of illusion created and reflects Brecht’s distancing effect† (Savona 1983: 89). Once again Genet forces the spectator to remember that they are watching a play, but also when we all hide behind the facade of life, or try and escape reality, the real world is still very much at large in the background and we can’t ignore this! â€Å"The theme of illusion reaches its climax at the very end of the action, when Madame Irma comes to the front of the stage to remind the audience that they have, after all, only been watching a play† (Thody 1970: 185). The spectator is suddenly brought back to ‘the real word’ having witnessed actors playing characters, characters playing characters, characters playing people. The audience has taken the journey through Madam Irma’s ‘house of illusions’, and has been presented with a theatrical projection of humanity through many planes of reality. She tells the audience â€Å"you must now go home, where everything – you can be quite sure – will be falser than here†¦You must now go† (Genet 1966: 96). She has highlighted that as humans we have a tendency to hide behind the facade of life, to go along with what we are told and what we see, thus taking life for granted. We then think back to the characters in the play and realise how they are merely projections of ourselves. â€Å"Genet proclaims the illusion of reality and the reality of illusion† (Nelson 1963: 61). For the spectator and the characters â€Å"reality has become indiscernible from illusion† (Nelson 1963: 65) and the audience must ask themselves where does reality end and pretence begins. BIBLIOGRAPHY Eliot, T. S. , Murder in the Cathedral (Fort Washington PA: Harvest Books, 1964) Esslin, Martin, The Theatre of the Absurd, 3rd Edition (London: Metheun, 2001). Genet, Jean, The Balcony (New York: Grove Press, 1966) Innes, Christopher, ‘Theatre After Two World Wars’, in The Oxford Illustrated History of the Theatre, ed. by John Russell Brown (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 380-444. Macquarrie, John, Existentialism (Baltimore: Pelican Books, 1972) McMahon, Joseph H. , The Imagination of Jean Genet (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963) Nelson, Banjamin, ‘The Balcony and Parisian Existentialism’, The Tulane Drama Review, 7:3 (1963), 60-79. Oswald, Laura, Jean Genet and the Semiotics of Performance (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989) Patterson, Michael, The Oxford Dictionary of Plays (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) Reck, Rima Drell, ‘Appearance and Reality in Genet’s Le Balcon’, The New Dramatists, 29:1 (1962), 20-25. Savona, Jeannette L. , Jean Genet (London and Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press, 1983) Styan, J. L. , The English Stage (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) Thody, Philip, Jean Genet: A Study of His Novels and Plays (New York: Stein and Day, 1970).

Friday, August 16, 2019

Going global means new frontiers Essay

Introduction On the 19th Sep. 2014, the world’s largest initial public offering (IPO) was successfully completed in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), U.S., and the total IPO amount has reached up to $25 billion (Chen. Mac. Solomon. 2014). Alibaba, the miracle creator, used only 15-year’s development to take the seat in the Wall Street and build an e-commercial empire. The NYSE’s IPO is the signal to tell global investors and competitors that Alibaba is ready to join the global market competition. For Alibaba, going global means new frontier, however, the new frontier could be either a barren cliff or cornucopian grassland. In this essay, we will mainly discuss that why Alibaba want to expand global markets, and how Alibaba is going to make the global strategies to against global competitors in overseas market. by avoiding direct competition, targeting similar market as China and increasing firm size in the global market environment to step into a â€Å"grassland† mar ket for persistent development. Alibaba — the world’s largest online and mobile commerce company, was established in 1999 by the group of 18 people led by Jack Ma in Hangzhou, China. There are three main sites in Alibaba China, including T-mall, Taobao and along with numbers of other companies to support Alibaba’s ecosystem development. Moreover, Alibaba also has and to provide worldwide online shopping services (Pressman 2014). Until 2013, Alibaba has more than 2 million merchants across more than 190 countries and regions. In 2013, there was amount of $248 billion transactions went through Alibaba’s online sites which is more than the total of eBay and Amazon. Furthermore, after the NYSE’s IPO, Alibaba’s market cap has reached up to 215 billion dollar, which only followed behind Microsoft, Google and Apple among the global tech firms (Lajoie & Shearman. 2014). Global Market Expansion (convention path: from domestic to overseas) Why Alibaba want to expand global market?  Alibaba is a typical Multi-national corporation, since Alibaba set up the headquarter in the China and operate e-commerce businesses in other  countries. in As a typical multi-national corporation, going global to exploit new distant market, to merge into larger and more efficient units and to exploit better social capital is an irresistible process for Alibaba. As the dominator in the China’s online shopping market, Alibaba has already controlled 80% of the market share, thus Alibaba needs new distant markets for persistent development. Moreover, For Alibaba, both the internal capabilities and external environment allows Alibaba to make the global market expansion decision. For the internal capabilities, Alibaba is a mature Internet corporation, which has controlled 80% of the China’s online shopping market. China’s market profits could constantly provide enormous capital support for Alibaba’s long-term market expansion. Moreover, after the NYSE’s IPO, Alibaba has won the trust from global investors and acquired sufficient capital for early market expansion. However, the challenges always exist during the process of the market expansion, especially from the local e-commercial corporations. Despite of the competition, high cost for setting up facilities, cultural shock, and different government policies would also be main concerns before the decision was made. Thus, I have listed three main strategies below to demonstrate Alibaba’s global market expansion. Avoiding direct competition Instead of â€Å"face to face† competition with those locally dominant e-commercial corporations, Alibaba decided to operate their business around the market edges and move partial of e-commercial businesses to cross-country trade. In 2004, The America’s largest e-commercial corporation–eBay entered the Chinese market by merger with a Chinese e-commercial corporation—EachNet. In order to against eBay, Alibaba decided to launch Taobao, one of the main sites under Alibaba for C2C (customer to customer) business model, compete with eBay. Because of Taobao’s preponderant business model and domestic advantages, eBay finally failed in China’s e-commercial market expansion (Wang, 2010). Right now, Alibaba faced the same challenge in the America’s market, but Alibaba will not make the same mistake as eBay did. In order to avoid direct competition with eBay and Amazon, Alibaba has launched AliExpress for cross-country trade wholesale by offering quality products at factory prices. As the advantages, Chinese  products have unbeatable prices to attract American customers; also Chinese customers have strong demands for American high quality products (like Cherry Farmers and Fisherman). Although it’s too earlier to claim the final result of Alibaba, to avoid direct competition is always a good way to enter a new market without too much pressure from local competitors. Finding similar market as China Alibaba’s global strategies are more likely targeting the large and potential e-commercial market as China’s market. For instance, Brazil, as one of the largest developing economy in the world, the economy status and e-commercial structure in Brazil is really similar as in China. ALthough, eBay and Amazon has already settled down in the Brazil’s market, it’s always not too late for Alibaba overtakes the dominance. In 2013, Alibaba set up a Portuguese e-commerce site to allow Brazil buyers directly purchase goods from Chinese wholesalers. Just in a year, Alibaba has became the third largest e-commercial website and took 20% of market share after Ebay and Amazon. In this July 12 millions of Brazilian customers visited the, which is ten times than last year (Sciaudone, 2014). Moreover, in Brazil’s market, Alibaba wisely used the local sub-contractor to reduce investment and improve service quality, which subcontracted the online payment services to Boleto and delivery services to Brazil’s state-owned postal service (Pressman, 2014). To make it even better, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Chinese President Xi Jingping have signed the agreement to open the â€Å"Green Channel† to support Alibaba’s business between two countries (Chao, 2014). All in all, the success in the Brazil’s market indicated that to find the similar market is a feasible strategy for future development. Increasing the firm size As a typical multi-national corporation, Alibaba effectively applied the law of increasing firm size, ‘which have rapidly growth in the representative size of the firm, culminating in the MNC, and the parallel growth in organizational complexity’ (Hymer, 1970). E-commercial is the fundamental business for Alibaba’s long-term development, but not the only business Alibaba does or will do. As the range of investments show below, Alibaba  made plenty of investments in smart phone, video websites, telecommunication and so on. Some of them are complement businesses to support Alibaba’s e-commercial, like Juhuasuan, Alipay and Alibaba pictures; and some of them are potential businesses for long-term development, like Kabam, Peel, and Tango. Like Jack Ma has said in the Stanford Business School’s presentation, Alibaba would always follow the market’s path, where is the market, where is the Alibaba. Alibaba believed those investments are the future market and opportunities. On the global market expansion, Alibaba’s strategy is to pursue dynamic, diversified, sustaining development. Impacts on global market and host region With the development of Alibaba, the global e-commerce businesses will absolutely more competitive than before. There will be more and more cheaper and quality products flow into global market from China. Other e-commercial corporations, like eBay and Amazon, have to find the way out to against Alibaba’s expansion. On the other hand, Alibaba’s global market expansion will provide more opportunities and channels for China’s manufactories and factories to enter into a larger market. As Alibaba’s mission said, ‘to make it easy to do business anywhere.’ Alibaba help China’s merchants to do business much easier and more efficient. Conclusion It is indeed that Alibaba made a great success in 15-year development, but some concerns still exist from investors. Some investors even thought it’s possible that Alibaba is too big to be expropriated by Chinese government (Crovitz, 2014). However, It’s a totally misunderstanding, Chinese government always encourage and support China’s corporations to exploit overseas market and welcome foreign investment. Furthermore, investors also consider the instability to an Internet company. Unlike other industries, such as auto or manufacture industry, Internet Company is highly volatile. Internet Company could create billions of fortunes overnight, but also could lose everything instantly. In this case, it’s a significant mission for Alibaba to keep investors’ trust and faith. Up to now, Alibaba’s steady-state growth and expansion is the best response to investors’ trust and support. For 15-year development, Alibaba completely followed the conventional path from serve domestic market to operate businesses overseas. Eventually, Alibaba has successfully built an e-commercial businesses bridge between China and overseas market. Alibaba will continue to grow, and it will continue to change China and change the world. As William Kirby, and expert on Chinese business in Harvard’s business school, demonstrated that Alibaba is ‘a private company that has done more for China’s national economy than most state-owned enterprises (Economist, 2013).’ References Chen, Liyan; Mac, Ryan; Solomon Brian. Alibaba Claims Title For Largest Global IPO Ever With Extra Share Sales. Forbes. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] Crovit, Gordon L. 2014. Alibaba: Too Big to Expropriate? The Wall Street Journal. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] Hymer, Stephen. 1970. Lecture notes distributed in Global Business Environment at The University of Birmingham U.K. on November 2014. INC. 2014. How Alibaba’s Jack Ma Conquered China. INC. Video. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] Osawa, Juro. Alibaba Isn’t the Amazon of China. The Wall Street Journal. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 15/11/2014] Pressman, Aaron. Alibaba a threat to eBay, Amazon outside the U.S., not within. Yahoo Finance. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] Sciaudone, Christiana. 2014. Alibaba in Brazil Challenges EBay-Amazon Market Grip. Bloomberg. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] Shearman, Nick; Lajoie, Marc. 2014. What is Alibaba?. The Wall Street Journal. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 14/11/2014] The Economist. 2013. The World’s greatest bazaar. The Economist. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 20/11/2014] Wang, Helen H. 2010. How eBay Failed in China. Forbes. Web. Available from: [Accessed on: 20/11/2014]

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Oilwell: Team Management

Oilwell Cable Division Bill Russell was acting general manager of TRW and now he is being appointed as general manager with an assignment of lay off twenty people or  achieves an equivalent reduction in labor cost. The Oilwell Cable Division is part of the Industrial and Energy Segment of   TRW that represent 24 percent of its sales and 23 percent of its operating profits. The Oilwell Division is a acquired business by TRW what was Crescent Wire and Cable Company of Trenton. The four reasons for moving the Oilwell cable (Crescent Wore and Cable Company) from Trenton to Lawarence are Lawerence is considerably closer to the customer †¢ Lawerence has a more supportive labor environment. †¢ The wage rate for the Lawerence area are very reasonable †¢ There is an already existing building Gino stripoli, formal general manager, was gien the task to start operations in Lawrence and he established new management system. He established eleven team relating the activities and all teams were doing their jobs very well. There is also a co-ordination team. The team is successful. Though there were some problems initially.There was a good deal of mistrust among employees regarding management’s   motives. There were also some technical problems. But after two years Gino solved the problems. Though TRW has ten competitors in the cable market, its market mainly depends on the demand of the submersible pumps. Because the basic product produced by the Oilwell Cable Division is wire that provides power   to submersible pumps used in oil drilling. Question: 1 Evaluate team management at TRW’s Lawrence plant. What organizational behavior system is it most similar to? Does it reflect theory X or theory Y assumptions? Answer: †¢There were in total 11 teams where five production teams are formed around the production process. †¢ Each team meets on a weekly basis or as needed and resource team meets every two weeks. That increases the coordi nation between the team and team members. †¢ There was no formal agenda but the meeting on production process and labor scheduling which increases the production. †¢ Team also build relationship between various level of the organizations Collegial organizational behavior system is most similar to. It reflects Theory Y assumption. Question: 2 Examine the results from team management at Lawrence.Do they support a â€Å"satisfaction causes productivity† or a â€Å"productivity causes satisfaction† relationship? Explain. †¢ There were some initial start-up problems, but late it seems to be a success. †¢ In the beginning there was a good deal of mistrust among employees. But later it being solved. †¢ First there was a lot of frustration with a high level of turnover. Because there was only one union employee brought from Trenton. To solve the problem a compensation scheme was developed that encouraged employees to master the various pieces of equipm ent in the plant. Turnover dropped from in excess of 12 percent to a range of 2 to 4 percent. Also employment had dropped from a high of 132 to what seemed to be a more optimal level of 125. They support â€Å"satisfaction causes productivity†. From the workers’ point of   view, the major benefit of team management is their ability to control their   jobs. This control has resulted in a high level of commitment by the employees, as evidenced by the numerous suggestions made by the teams that have resulted in significant improvements in quality and productivity. Question: 4Can participative and team management approaches work equally well during times of organizational crisis and during normal times? Explain. NO, from my opinion, though during normal times participative and team management approaches work equally but during organizational crisis it can’t work equally. The responsibility of the team management is to solve any problem equally and help other tea m members to solve the problems. But in participative approach people can deny to help others. Beside this when contradiction between the people exist the situation also become more complicated in participative approach

On Pathography

Why do humans write them? Robert Maunder, a physicists and professor, illustrates an essay called, â€Å"On Photography,† that presents meta-commentary stories In Body & Soul. The genre of literature called, â€Å"photography,† describes his essay and Interest about being sick. Maunder establishes terms such as battle, triumph and survivor to reflect on the narratives of Illness. He describes his essay through elements of critical thinking by clarity, evidence of support and assumptions underlying the argument. As a result, Robert Maunder clearly manifest his main proposal successfully.Maunder expresses the clarity of his main argument of photography through his beliefs. For several of patients, to triumph over sickness, signifies an important part of the experience. The best photographers, in Maunders eyes, are those â€Å"like the best novels and poems, {he} suppose, describe life with subtlety contradiction, emotion, depth, beauty and banality. But it helps to read the best† (Maunder, 2004). Sometimes, the most efficient teaching lad Is to analyze and read written accounts of one's aspect from sickness or facing death as It can receive empathy towards one another.Patients who are diagnosed with a terminal Illness can evoke fear, depression and anger. However, Maunder also believes that the best photographers are those â€Å"who are curious and unashamed enough to write about what illness has done to their minds and preferences and relationships† (Maunder, 2004). It indicates that the existential truth is a familiar Indus of reflection for a sick writer, which the author compares to personal victory. The capability of understanding and connecting tit one and another is faint. Maunder argues how â€Å"a critically ill person needs above all is to be understood.Dying is a misunderstanding that you have to get straightened out before you go† (Maunder, 2004). Sickness cannot be acknowledged for understanding, until your friends and family, with love, recognize the absolute knowledge of your chronic disease. Thus, the clarity of his main argument Is pushed by his beliefs. He contributes his mall argument through personal observations, reflection, and anecdotes, as he not only try to convince the reader, but also himself. Maunder uses personal observation with his patients and students by reading photographers of other authors.He begins with Robert Mason Lee's photography, of his pain of Chronic disease, where his audience was conveyed by â€Å"the experience of that particular pain very well to someone who has never felt it. † (Maunder, 2004). He explains how a powerful writer has the unique ability to express their connections to feelings and awaken our senses. These senses are within others and us, where it results to think in synthesizing ways. Maunder also uses personal, short and amusing vents to account his message across.For example, he has read â€Å"few other essays where the author Is so c ompletely alive and present In the text, in all his narcissistic, gleeful, annoying, contemplative splendor,† such as Anatoly Broad (Maunder, 2004). Board's wrote a photography called, â€Å"Intoxicated by My Illness,† as he was dying of prostate cancer. This photography captivated Maunder eye's due to his bright and insightful personality, where did not take sickness as a serious event, but by convinced that â€Å"illness is a test of relationship, of values, and of faith-but as Job caches us, it is a test that, once passed, continues nonetheless† (Maunder, 2004).Illness and life are similar. However, illness can render as the greatest destroyer of denial where it has the power to reach a person's soul negatively. These personal experiences assist Maunders main argument. Maunder also apply his assumptions to propel his argument forward. He postulates how humans view their morality is recognized. He believes how â€Å"the battle metaphor of destruction is not ap propriate in this instance either. What serious illness does to denial is make it obvious† (Maunder, 004).Young children, teenagers and adults, are almost always solipsistic, that it affects their worldview. A sickness is Just to overcome, whereas older people, it becomes more of a challenge because they dwell on it, which can consume them. As a result, it changes their mindsets for the worst. Maunder continues his assumptions for how the society views on morality by providing the idea that one can truly live when they are faced with a death crisis. He brings â€Å"another version of the hope for redemption through illness† (Maunder, 2004).Maunder imagines his hopes for others who have suffered through illnesses, where it might illuminate certain situations and help gain perspective. For a while, Maunder takes a step back from writing illness narratives and explores into the genre of literature, consisting of stories regarding the aspects of sick patients. He argues tha t â€Å"triumphant battles, how much they actually do convey an important part of the experience of being sick for many people,† is an expectation (Maunder, 2004). Humans, who struggle with chronic illness(s), are the toughest of the tough.They are able to continually face the struggles of life and battle a debilitating disease than those who appear to live with it. Consequently, Maunder takes granted for people who lack of the knowledge of being sick to drive his topic ahead. In summary, Robert Maunder proves his main idea thoroughly and distinctly. He uses clarity, evidence for support and assumptions to underlie the principle of the argument. Maunder narrates photographers about being sick and communicates an extraordinary manner to an incomprehensible audience who Just needs to understand.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles Essays - Eagles, Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles Eagle is the common name for a number of diurnal birds of prey, some of which are the largest members of their family which also includes kites, hawks, buzzards, and certain vultures. The name eagle is somewhat loosely applied, as several of the groups are not particularly closely related to one another, and some birds called hawks are larger than some called eagles. The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) and the Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrysaetos) are two eagles that have several of the same characteristics and have several different ones as well. The Bald Eagle is the only eagle species living strictly in North America, and has a presence in every state in the US except Hawaii. Young (immature) Bald Eagles are light gray when hatched, and turn dark brown before leaving the nest at about 12 weeks of age. During their third and fourth years, Bald Eagles have a mottled brown and white color under their wings and on their head, tail and breast. The distinctive white head and tail feathers do not appear until they are 4 to 5 years old. Bald Eagles range from about 29-42 inches long, and can weigh between 7-16 pounds, and have a wingspan of 6 to 8 feet. This makes them one of the largest birds in North America. Bald Eagles residing in the northern US are larger than those that reside in the south. They have a life span of up to 30-40 years in the wild and longer in captivity. Bald Eagles are monogamous and remain faithful to their mate until death. Females lay one to three eggs annually, and the incubation period is approxim! ately 35 days. Only about 50% of Eagles hatched survive the first year. Strong endangered species and environmental protection laws, as well as active private, state and federal conservation efforts have brought back the USA's Bald Eagle population from the edge of extinction. There are now about 4500 nesting pairs and 20,000 total birds in the lower 48 states, and there are over 35,000 Bald Eagles in Alaska. America's Bald Eagles are back in strong numbers today, but they are still a "threatened" species in the lower 48 states. Breeding season last from November to April. Bald eagles mate for life and use the same nest each year. They build a huge nest (aerie) of sticks and twigs in a tree, or on rocky cliffs and average in size of 2 feet deep and 5 feet across. The nest takes weeks to construct and is increased yearly. Eventually some nests reach sizes of more than 10 feet wide and can weigh several tons. Bald Eagles feed primarily on fish, but also eat small animals (ducks,! coots, muskrats, turtles, rabbits, snakes, etc.) and occasional carrion (dead animals). Eagles swoop down to seize fish in their talons and carry it off, but can only lift about half of their weight. Bald Eagles can even swim to shore with a heavy fish using their strong wings as paddles. However, it is also possible that they can drown if the fish weighs too much. The Golden Eagle is a large brown and golden colored eagle that can be found in a variety of habitats in the western North America region including mountainous areas, canyons, shrub-land and grasslands. The Golden Eagle can also be found in Europe, Asia and northern Africa. The breeding range in North America includes north central Mexico, the western United States as far east as the Dakotas, Kansas and Texas, also Alaska, and across northern Canada. This bird of prey can weigh up to 15 pounds and can have a wingspan of 6 to 8 feet and a length of 30-40 inches. Females are often more noticeably larger than males as is true with most birds of prey. Young (immature) Eagles have a patch of white on the tail, and the adult tail is gray and brown. The Golden Eagle also builds large their nest out of sticks and twigs in a tree or on a cliff. The female lays 1-4 eggs (usually 2) and often does most of the incubation. The males provide most of the food while the females feed and tend! the

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Principal and Vice Principals Leadership Styles Research Paper

Principal and Vice Principals Leadership Styles - Research Paper Example Educational management can be described through the management and leadership theories. Bush (2003) identified various models that describe the two main theories. The management theory can be classified into six models that include; formal, collegial, political, subjective, uncertainty, and cultural models. The six models that describe leadership theories in education management include; the moral model, contingency leadership, transactional and managerial leadership, the post-modern as well as participative leadership styles. The formal models describe a hierarchical arrangement in the management structure. In this model, the school heads treat the institution as a system where bureaucracy is maintained (Bush, 2002). There is a system of instruction which is usually top-down while reporting must follow the various ranks to the top. This model is evident in Matador High School. The principal is the overall head and the vice principal reports to him. The vice principal acts as a middl e-level manager in contemporary organizations, supervising the teaching staff, but he too has some lessons that he teaches. All teachers are accountable to the principle and have performance targets that are set for the accomplishment of the overall goal of the school. The formal management structure is matched with the managerial leadership of the principal. This is a leadership style where managers are focused on their purpose in helping the organization to accomplish their objectives. They ensure that all processes are accomplished according to plan and that every person is in the designated place at the right time (Cheng, 2002). Leadership in Matador was top down with the teachers being expected to behave and accomplish tasks according to the laid out procedures in the school.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Psychoneuroimmuniology - The relationship between dealing with death Research Paper

Psychoneuroimmuniology - The relationship between dealing with death and patients with leukemia - Research Paper Example The immune system works hand-in-hand with the brain to control temperature in the body and sleep. Coordination between the nervous and the immune system facilitates communication by initiating the release of certain hormones. The nervous system regulates the release of neurotransmitters thus enhancing the body’s ability to sense danger and provides the necessary response. A common issue in PNI is stress, which refers to the increase in undesirable tension that inhibits proper body functioning. It is a known fact that anxiety, depression and issues related to stress have an impact of the immune system of an individual. To put the matter into perspective, health defects for instance arthritis and heart disease are mainly attributable to stress. According to Upton (2013), in the occurrence of stress, the hypothalamus produces hormones that the immune system works on to create energy necessary for quick response. It is important to point out that foods that enhance inflammation contain starch and fats contents. Biologically, starch influences the levels of insulin and glucose in the blood. A high level of insulin does not only increase stress but it also results in depression. Insights from the concept perceive depressed people to be more prone to osteoporosis and myocardial infarction. Troubled association between the immune and the nervous system delay s the healing process. The relevance of PNI stems from the ability to exercise control on stress thereby strengthening the body and mind of a person. As per research, PNI is a promising field that may revolutionize the functioning of the immune system by connecting the mind and the body. Improving the defence mechanism reduces illnesses thereby making health to be stable. Procedures of biofeedback make it possible to treat cases of anxiety and migraine among patients (MateÃŒ , 2011). This is because sensors involved in the procedures enable individuals to exercise the relaxation of muscles and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Children of heaven Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Children of heaven - Movie Review Example As a result, Ali and Zahra decide to share Ali’s converse; Zahra’s wears it to school for her morning class and races back to Ali, so he can wear them to his afternoon class. The pair bicker and clash like any other siblings, but yet stick together and help each other in solving their predicament. I. Family ties and Social Network The shoes are symbolic of the family’s poverty which slowly unravels and emboldens the many challenges on a daily basis throughout the course of the movie. Due to this reason, the children do not get their parents involved in the matter, which would have only added to their financial troubles. The only way they can coordinate is by exchanging notes and taking advantage of their parents’ illiteracy. Ali’s concern for his sister and family’s financial condition highlights the significance of family values in the Iranian society. Despite their young age and innocence, Ali realizes the magnitude of his irresponsibility and therefore tries his best to make up to his sister and faces all sorts of mishaps. The film not only focuses on family values and importance, but also depicts a strong sense of trust shared by all members of the community. The people are considerate and greatly concerned for the wellbeing of everyone else. When Zahra and Ali finally discover that her pink shoes were actually picked up by the blind trash scavenger, who gave them to his young daughter; they actually give up their entire plan of retrieving those shoes. The aforementioned aspect clearly portrays that the siblings are endowed with the same kind of consideration for others as their community members. They can relate to the other girl’s situation which then causes them to continue with their previous arrangement. Community spirit is an integral theme of the movie, which is clearly deeply instilled within the young children, who despite their own financial hardships are capable of empathizing with the other girl a s well. The consideration within the community is further evident when Ali’s teacher tries to save Ali from getting in trouble with the principal when he fails to reach school on time. The community spirit and filial piety is truly heartwarming especially with Ali, who begins to accompany his father to the suburbs, where he helps him talk to the rich residents of the area to help him get work. It is shown that Ali fully understands his responsibility as a son and assists his father as much as he can. Ali understands that his father works hard to get his children educated and it is the fulfillment of these filial duties that end up becoming a crucial turning point in the plot of the movie. (Ebert, 2011) II. The divide between the rich and the poor As poverty is a recurring theme in the movie, it further juxtaposes the lifestyle of the rich and poor to demonstrate the ever-increasing schism in the society. While the main object of conflict is the missing pair of shoes, which is an object usually taken for granted for the privileged ones but in Ali’s household, they are a valuable possession. Besides the plot, the filmmakers have made use of great cinematography that has played an exceptional role in portraying rural life. The scene where Ali and his father are actually riding towards the suburbs, the camera shifts from the medieval streets and dirt roads, to the high rises and beautiful bungalows situated in Northern Tehran. There

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Effect of Recession on International trade of UK Essay

Effect of Recession on International trade of UK - Essay Example ession has been characterized with variables such as unemployment, jobs creation and availability, the incomes of the affected population as well as aspects of housing and demography. This paper even so narrows its scope to take the gross domestic product to represent the aforementioned variables. Recession can be argued by this paper to affect the social life in terms of increase in crime, This, loosely speaking, can be said to result from the cases of lack of jobs, unemployment, and the effect of recession on higher education or education in general. Due to the recent cases of recession, there have been reports of sharp increases in unemployment rates, evident in between the years, 2008 and 2009 (Trading Economics, 2014). This happened concurrently with drastic declines in employment rates in a given span of years. The number of available jobs fell and this impacted negatively on production. This paper notes that, during the recession period, most of the lively hoods in the UK were negatively impacted. This is what prompted the analysis. As much as there exists domestic negative impacts, this paper seeks to find out if the same impact has a relationship with the international trade. This paper developed a model, Y = -73460693 -0.596*balance of trade, to relate and predict the effects of the recession on international trade. The daily activities in the world derived from quantitative techniques. Practical phenomena and decisions need to be addressed more accurately and effectively. Practically the everyday numerous decisions that must be made are assisted by analyzing datasets quantitatively. The importance of this statistical technique is the fact that unlike in the academia, the real business world is rich in information to base on in making critical decisions correctly. The development of statistics and more specifically quantitative analysis methods is majorly due to the inability to identify the characteristics of interest in most instances of business

Friday, August 9, 2019

Radio Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Radio Advertising - Essay Example Modern mass media industry offers a great range of both local and national radio stations broadcasting music of different genres aimed at different ages, backgrounds and tastes. To add more, the majority of radio stations have duplications of their broadcasts on the Internet, so everyone can access the broadcasts regardless of geographical location. The range of the radio stations found for this essay is rather heterogeneous in genre. The Whale 99.1 FM is the radio station focusing on classic rock, as it is stated on the website and clearly understood from the repertoire. WBGO 88.3 FM, the Ney York radio station stating its format as Jazz offers a variety of jazz compositions and related programs. 1033 The EDGE Rock Radio focuses – obviously – on rock format including both old and new songs. Country 106.5 WYRK Radio has mainly country format; 95.5 PLJ New York radio station offers a mixture of genres and musicians in its broadcasts; Pulse 87 NY located at 96.7 FM describes itself as a dance radio station and broadcasts a wide range of pop and dance music including numerous remixes. WQHT Hot 97 radio station features mainly hip-hop and R’n’B compositions. WLTW 106.7 Lite FM and the majority of stations found on the Internet tend to state their format as mix or dance, which means that they feature a diverse variety of pop and dance mainstream songs without focusing on a single genre. Moreover, some of the mixed-format radio stations offer a description such as Top 40 radio stations, which, of course, means that the broadcasts consist of the songs holding leading positions in the charts at the current moment. Narrowing our advertising-related target group to college student, we will inevitable come to a conclusion that mix, pop and dance radio stations are the most efficient means for reaching college students. Such radio stations are usually top, as they don’t offer some peculiar music, instead broadcasting mainstream compositions, which are, first

Health policy briefing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Health policy briefing - Assignment Example The need for paying employees in such cases is also recognized by the labor law which states that the employees should be paid for the time when they fall sick and take a leave. Such rights given to the employees are neither unqualified nor unlimited. The Employment Act of 1955 states the minimum sick leave that should be provided to the employees that fall within its scope (Malaysian Employment Act 1955 - a brief, 2013). The duration of the sick leave may sometimes also depend upon the contract of employment signed by the employees. According to the Employment Act of 1955, the employer is entitled to grant leaves for 14 to 22 days, depending on the duration the employee has been working with the company. When hospitalization is involved the sick leave can be extended to 60 days. The entitlement to the sick paid leave may also be based on the medical certificate provided by the medical practitioner, or any doctor employed by the State or Federal government (Payment for sick leave, 2013). It is certain that paid sick leaves provide the employees more consistency and protection. Many employees are granted limited benefits by their employers. Where one firm allows its employees to enjoy a substantial sick leave allowance, the other one might receive no allowance at all. A law can be used for redressing this imbalance existing between organizations. It is included in the Act that the employees must be paid while they are on their sick leave, as it is their basic employment right and such type of legislation also contributes in improving the working life conditions. When the employers do not pay to the sick employees for their time off then this certainly indicates that the employees have to return back to their job in order to meet their financial commitment. If the employees are ill and they are still working then they would certainly spread the illness in the work environment. This would impose an overall dramatic influence on rest of the employees.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Alignment of Academic standards with ELL Proficiency standards Essay

Alignment of Academic standards with ELL Proficiency standards - Essay Example The state and federal government have provided money to aid in the education of students with disabilities (Arizona Department of Education, 2008). President Bush in 2000 proposed what is famously known as â€Å"No Child is Left Behind,† which needed all students to meet or attain set strict standards. The federal policy stated in the no child is left behind that ELL students be included in State assessments and measure or assess the language proficiency of students with reliable, valid assessments in areas reading and writings skills and oral language. In addition, the educators were to consider comprehension, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of students. These assessments were to help students gain academic achievements as required by States. The main objectives of these assessments were to be designed to assess academic English. Under the no child is left behind act, it was stated that all students had the ability to reach their minimum competency level as long as the teachers were committed to their work. According to Arizona Department of Education (2008), in most cases standards are defined they are applied as a sieve and expectations are lined on the individual. In public education sector there is the notion that intelligence can be taught in that if the student fails to meet the requirements, the teacher or school is blamed for dismal performance of the student. The state and federal government want to attain standards at all cost but in real sense do not. Arizona department of education states that the main objective is to ensure that high school graduates in the country have rough knowledge and skills they require for a career or college. The converse of this objective should be that those students who do not have skills and knowledge for a career or college would not graduate high school. For instance, if there two tests for certain things and the two tests